Modbus Setup with Arduino PLC IDE

This tutorial will show you how to set up the Modbus communication with the Arduino PLC IDE.


The Arduino Portenta Machine Control (PMC) is a fully-centralized, low-power, industrial control unit. For equipment and machinery control, industrial communication protocols, such as Modbus RTU over RS-485 and Modbus TCP/IP over Ethernet, can be implemented in the PMC. In this tutorial, we will learn about how to get started on how to configure the Modbus communication with the Arduino PLC IDE.


  • Configure the Modbus communication (RTU and TCP)

Required Hardware and Software

Set Up

In order to configure the Portenta Machine Control you will need to connect to the device through the Arduino PLC IDE.

  1. Connect the device to the computer through USB
  2. Click "Connect to the target" button on the PLC IDE

The device needs to be activated with a license, check the steps on the PLC IDE Set-up tutorial

Both Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP can run at the same time in parallel

Configure The Modbus RTU Communication

Important: Once you use the Modbus Mode to Master/Slave the RS-485 ports will be only dedicated to Modbus, so the RS-485 protocol is not accessible while using Modbus

Modbus RTU Configuration

Inside the Arduino PLC IDE navigate to the left side panel and click on the "Resources" tab.

To configure the Modbus communication click on the "RS485 Serialport" label, it will open a new window in the middle to customize:

Arduino PLC IDE Resources panel, -> RS-485 settings
Arduino PLC IDE Resources panel, -> RS-485 settings

Then you can attach some functions to the Generic Modbus item, they will appear also in the Catalog Tile Window, you need to select first the Generic Modbus_01

Modbus catalog add new item
Modbus catalog add new item

Modbus catalog select new item
Modbus catalog select new item


  • Not used
  • Modbus RTU Master
  • Modbus RTU Slave

Baud Rate

Baud rate, options:

  • 600
  • 1200
  • 2400
  • 4800
  • 9600
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 57600
  • 115200

Serial Mode

NameParitydata bitsstop bits
N, 8, 1No parity81
E, 8, 1Even parity81
O, 8, 1Odd parity82
N, 8, 2No parity82
O, 8, 2Odd parity82

Slave Settings

(Only available on slave mode)

  • Modbus address Address of the device: from 1 to 247. It can not be repeated within the same Modbus net.

Modbus Node Configuration

Once you have configured your device as a Modbus Master you can attach some blocks to configure it, you can see them while you have the RS485 SerialPort on the Catalog Tile Window

Modbus catalog
Modbus catalog

  • Generic Modbus Configure the device name, Modbus address and the minimum polling time.

Modbus TCP Configuration

Important: Once you use the Modbus Mode, the Ethernet port will be only dedicated to Modbus, so the Ethernet protocol is not accessible while using Modbus

Inside the Arduino PLC IDE navigate to the left side panel and click on the "Resources" tab.

To configure the Modbus communication click on the "Ethernet" label, it will open a new window in the middle to customize:

Arduino PLC IDE Resources panel, -> Ethernet configuration
Arduino PLC IDE Resources panel, -> Ethernet configuration

  • Modbus TCP Master: Enables the Master mode on the TCP bus (Modbus)
  • Modbus TCP Slave: Always enabled, address 255

Then you can attach some functions to the Generic Modbus item, they will appear also in the Catalog Tile Window, you need to select first the Generic Modbus device

Modbus catalog add new item
Modbus catalog add new item

Modbus catalog select new item
Modbus catalog select new item

Modbus TCP general configuration tab
Modbus TCP general configuration tab


  • Name
  • IP address
  • Minimum polling time

Modbus Parametrization

On the Generic

Generic Modbus Parametrization Tab
Generic Modbus Parametrization Tab

Modbus Devices Functions (Modbus FC)

  • Modbus FC-01: This will read the status of the coils (digital outputs)
  • Modbus FC-02: Reads the discrete inputs
  • Modbus FC-03: Reads the holding registers
  • Modbus FC-04: Read the input registers
  • Modbus FC-05: Writes single coil state
  • Modbus FC-06: Write single register
  • Modbus FC-15: Write multiple coils
  • Modbus FC-16: Write multiple registers

To configure the block you can click on it and it will show the configuration panel on the main window.

Modbus item catalog
Modbus item catalog

Inside each of the "devices" (functions) you can set its: General

  • Start address
  • Polling time
  • Time Out

Modbus item general configuration
Modbus item general configuration

Coil/Register/Table This is a table to link all the coils, registers or variables that the function is going to poll/write.

Modbus item specific configuration
Modbus item specific configuration

Next Steps

  • Configure it as a Modbus Master device and connect a Modbus sensor to get data from it.
  • Interconnect two Portenta Machine Control boards and create a sketch to communicate between them.

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