Arduino Nicla Sense ME Cheat Sheet

Learn how to set up the Arduino Nicla Sense ME and get a quick overview of the components. Obtain information regarding pins and how to use the different sensors.

The Arduino Nicla Sense ME
The Arduino Nicla Sense ME

The Arduino® Nicla Sense ME is our smallest form factor yet, with a range of industrial grade sensors packed into a tiny footprint. It features 4 industrial grade Bosch sensors that can accurately measure rotation, acceleration, pressure, humidity, temperature, air quality and CO2 levels.


This article is a collection of guides, API calls, libraries and tutorials that can help you get started with the Nicla Sense ME board. You can also visit the documentation product page for the Nicla Sense ME.


The Nicla Sense ME uses the Arduino Mbed OS Nicla Boards core.


Arduino IDE 1.8.X

The Nicla Sense ME can be programmed through the Classic Arduino IDE 1.8.X. To install your board, you can check out the guide below:

Arduino IDE 2

The Nicla Sense ME can be programmed through the Arduino IDE 2. To install your board, you can check out the guide below:

Web Editor

The Nicla Sense ME can be programmed through the Web Editor. To get started with your board, you will only need to install a plugin, which is explained in the guide below:

Board Not Detected

Sometimes the board is not detected even when the board is connected to your computer. This can be solved through the following steps:

1. Disconnect the board from your computer by removing the USB cable.
2. Reconnect the board to your computer.
3. If it still doesn't show up, double-tap the reset button, to activate the bootloader mode.


The pinout for Nicla Sense ME.
The pinout for Nicla Sense ME.

Analog Pins

The Nicla Sense ME has 2 analog pins (

), that can be used through the

1int value = analogRead(pin);

PWM Pins

Most of the digital and analog pins can be used as PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins. Check the full pinout in the resources section of the Nicla Sense ME product page to see which pins can be used.

1analogWrite(pin, value);

Digital Pins

There are a total of 10 digital pins, whereas the 2 analog pins can also be used as digital pins.

To use them, they need to be configured. Usually this is done in the


1pinMode(pin, INPUT); //configured as an input
2pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); //configured as an output
3pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP); //uses an internal pull up resistor

To read the state of a digital pin:

1state = digitalRead(pin);

To write a state to a digital pin:

1digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);


The RGB LED is located in the rounded corner
The RGB LED is located in the rounded corner

The Nicla Sense ME features a built-in RGB that can be utilized as a feedback component for applications. The LED is connected through I2C, therefore specific functions need to be used to operate the LED colors.

The Nicla System header is required to use the RGB LED.

1#include "Nicla_System.h"

Since the functions are scoped under a specific Class name called "nicla", you need to explicitly write it before each statement.

The LEDs need to be started along with the Nicla inside

void setup()


The LED can be set to the desired RGB value using red, green and blue components or by using one of the following predefined colors:

  • off
  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • yellow
  • magenta
  • cyan

To set the LED to a predefined color (e.g. green or blue):

1void loop() {
2 nicla::leds.setColor(green);
3 delay(1000);
4 nicla::leds.setColor(blue);
5 delay(1000);

To turn the LED off:


You can also choose a value between 255 - 0 for each color component to set a custom color:

1void loop() {
2 int red = 234;
3 int green = 72;
4 int blue = 122;
6 nicla::leds.setColor(red, green, blue);
7 delay(1000);
8 nicla::leds.setColor(off);
9 delay(1000);

This is a complete example code to blink the built-in I2C LED:

1#include "Nicla_System.h"
3void setup() {
4 nicla::begin();
5 nicla::leds.begin();
8void loop() {
9 nicla::leds.setColor(red);
10 delay(1000);
11 nicla::leds.setColor(off);
12 delay(1000);


There are three ways to read from the on-board sensors:

  1. Read the sensors directly from Nicla Sense ME in standalone mode.
  2. Read sensor values through Bluetooth® Low Energy
  3. Read sensor values through I2C by connecting an ESLOV cable

To read from the sensors in any of these mode, you need to install the Arduino_BHY2 and Arduino_BHY2Host libraries. These can be found in the library manager using the Arduino IDE. To do so in the IDE, select Tools->Manage Libraries..., now search for Arduino_BHY2 and Arduino_BHY2Host in the new window that opened and click on the install button.

To use the sensors in your sketches, you need to know the sensors ID. You can find them in the section "Sensor IDs" of this article. They can also be found in the header file here. Additionally, there is an example sketch in the library that will print all available sensors in the Serial Monitor of the Arduino IDE. This example sketch can be found in File > Examples > Arduino_BHY2 > ShowSensorList in the Arduino IDE.

In the following section, you can see how these ID's are used in an Arduino sketch.

Sensor Classes

  • Sensor: This class handles all the other sensors which have a single value to be read, like temperature, gas, pressure, etc. And also the event sensors, like the step detector. This generic sensor class provides the sensor data through the

    property that returns a float.

  • SensorOrientation: This class handles sensors with the Euler format, used for example with orientation. It allows you to read the


  • SensorXYZ: This class handles sensors with the XYZ format, like the accelerometer and the gyroscope. It contains


  • SensorQuaternion: Can be used to handle sensors with the quaternion format, can be used to calculate rotation vector, game rotation vector and geomagnetic rotation vector. You can access the

    property using this class.

  • SensorActivity: Use this class to handle sensors with the activity format. The activity is encoded as ID and can be retrieved from the

    property. Use
    to get a human readable version of the activity e.g. "Walking activity started".

  • SensorBSEC: BSEC stands for Bosch Sensortec Environmental Cluster, basically you can access the air quality (IAQ) level and it contains the following data:

    FunctionDescriptionData type
    IAQ value for regular use caseunsigned 16bit
    IAQ value for stationary use casesunsigned 16bit
    breath VOC equivalent (ppm)float
    CO2 equivalent (ppm) [400,]unsigned 32bit
    compensated temperature (Celsius)float
    compensated humidityfloat
    compensated gas resistance (Ohms)unsigned 32bit
    accuracy level: [0-3]unsigned 8bit

Further down you can see how these objects are used in an Arduino sketch to get readings from the sensors.

Sensor IDs

The IDs to address the sensors both through ESLOV and WebBLE are as follows:

1Accelerometer passthroughSENSOR_ID_ACC_PASSSensorXYZ
3Accelerometer uncalibratedSENSOR_ID_ACC_RAWSensorXYZ
4Accelerometer correctedSENSOR_ID_ACCSensorXYZ
5Accelerometer offsetSENSOR_ID_ACC_BIASSensorXYZ
6Accelerometer corrected wake upSENSOR_ID_ACC_WUSensorXYZ
7Accelerometer uncalibrated wake upSENSOR_ID_ACC_RAW_WUSensorXYZ
10Gyroscope passthroughSENSOR_ID_GYRO_PASSSensorXYZ
12Gyroscope uncalibratedSENSOR_ID_GYRO_RAWSensorXYZ
13Gyroscope correctedSENSOR_ID_GYROSensorXYZ
14Gyroscope offsetSENSOR_ID_GYRO_BIASSensorXYZ
15Gyroscope wake upSENSOR_ID_GYRO_WUSensorXYZ
16Gyroscope uncalibrated wake upSENSOR_ID_GYRO_RAW_WUSensorXYZ
19Magnetometer passthroughSENSOR_ID_MAG_PASSSensorXYZ
21Magnetometer uncalibratedSENSOR_ID_MAG_RAWSensorXYZ
22Magnetometer correctedSENSOR_ID_MAGSensorXYZ
23Magnetometer offsetSENSOR_ID_MAG_BIASSensorXYZ
24Magnetometer wake upSENSOR_ID_MAG_WUSensorXYZ
25Magnetometer uncalibrated wake upSENSOR_ID_MAG_RAW_WUSensorXYZ
28Gravity vectorSENSOR_ID_GRASensorXYZ
29Gravity vector wake upSENSOR_ID_GRA_WUSensorXYZ
31Linear accelerationSENSOR_ID_LACCSensorXYZ
32Linear acceleration wake upSENSOR_ID_LACC_WUSensorXYZ
34Rotation vectorSENSOR_ID_RVSensorQuaternion
35Rotation vector wake upSENSOR_ID_RV_WUSensorQuaternion
37Game rotation vectorSENSOR_ID_GAMERVSensorQuaternion
38Game rotation vector wake upSENSOR_ID_GAMERV_WUSensorQuaternion
40Geomagnetic rotation vectorSENSOR_ID_GEORVSensorQuaternion
41Geomagnetic rotation vector wake upSENSOR_ID_GEORV_WUSensorQuaternion
44Orientation wake upSENSOR_ID_ORI_WUSensorOrientation
48Tilt detectorSENSOR_ID_TILT_DETECTORSensor
50Step detectorSENSOR_ID_STDSensor
52Step counterSENSOR_ID_STCSensor
53Step counter wake upSENSOR_ID_STC_WUSensor
55Significant motionSENSOR_ID_SIGSensor
57Wake gestureSENSOR_ID_WAKE_GESTURESensor
59Glance gestureSENSOR_ID_GLANCE_GESTURESensor
61Pickup gestureSENSOR_ID_PICKUP_GESTURESensor
63Activity recognitionSENSOR_ID_ARSensorActivity
67Wrist tilt gestureSENSOR_ID_WRIST_TILT_GESTURESensor
69Device orientationSENSOR_ID_DEVICE_ORISensorOrientation
70Device orientation wake upSENSOR_ID_DEVICE_ORI_WUSensor
75Stationary detectSENSOR_ID_STATIONARY_DETSensor
77Motion detectSENSOR_ID_MOTION_DETSensor
91Accelerometer offset wake upSENSOR_ID_ACC_BIAS_WUSensorXYZ
92Gyroscope offset wake upSENSOR_ID_GYRO_BIAS_WUSensorXYZ
93Magnetometer offset wake upSENSOR_ID_MAG_BIAS_WUSensorXYZ
94Step detector wake upSENSOR_ID_STD_WUSensor
132Temperature wake upSENSOR_ID_TEMP_WUSensor
133Barometer wake upSENSOR_ID_BARO_WUSensor
134Humidity wake upSENSOR_ID_HUM_WUSensor
135Gas wake upSENSOR_ID_GAS_WUSensor
136Hardware Step counterSENSOR_ID_STC_HWSensor
137Hardware Step detectorSENSOR_ID_STD_HWSensor
138Hardware Significant motionSENSOR_ID_SIG_HWSensor
139Hardware Step counter wake upSENSOR_ID_STC_HW_WUSensor
140Hardware Step detector wake upSENSOR_ID_STD_HW_WUSensor
141Hardware Significant motion wake upSENSOR_ID_SIG_HW_WUSensor
142Any motionSENSOR_ID_ANY_MOTIONSensor
143Any motion wake upSENSOR_ID_ANY_MOTION_WUSensor

The syntax to instantiate a sensor object is

SensorClass variableName(SENSOR_ID MACRO)
. For example:

1// Declaring Accelerometer uncalibrated
2 SensorXYZ accelerometerRaw(SENSOR_ID_ACC_RAW);

Standalone Mode

In standalone mode, the sensors can be accessed through sensor objects. The sensor data is then read by Nicla Sense ME's on-board microcontroller.


The IMU sensor
The IMU sensor

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define sensor objects:

1SensorXYZ accelerometer(SENSOR_ID_ACC);
2SensorXYZ gyro(SENSOR_ID_GYRO);

Activating the sensors:

1void setup(){
2 Serial.begin(115200);
3 BHY2.begin();
5 accelerometer.begin();
6 gyro.begin();


function starts the sensor by calling the
with default parameters, making it easy to start and use on-board sensors. The parameters in the
function are sample rate and latency. If specific parameters are needed, then simply call
with your preferred values. E.g.:
configure(10, 1)
. In this case, the sample rate would be set to
10 Hz
and the latency would be

  • Sample rate is used also to enable/disable the sensor. 0 to disable, > 0 to enable.
  • Latency is the longest delay, in milliseconds, before the host is notified of a new value from a sensor. Even though the latency parameter is a 32-bit integer, only the least significant 24 bits of it are actually used. A latency of 0 means that the host is notified immediately when a new value is available.

Reading the sensor values:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck = millis();
4 // Update function should be continuously polled
5 BHY2.update();
7 // Check sensor values every second
8 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
9 lastCheck = millis();
11 Serial.println(String("acceleration: ") + accelerometer.toString());
12 Serial.println(String("gyroscope: ") + gyro.toString());
13 }

You can read the numeric x, y and z properties of the accelerometer and the gyroscope as follows:

1short accX = accelerometer.x();
2short accY = accelerometer.y();
3short accZ = accelerometer.z();
5short gyroX = gyroscope.x();
6short gyroY = gyroscope.y();
7short gyroZ = gyroscope.z();


To read the temperature in standalone mode, you also need to use the Arduino_BHY2 library as described in the section above.

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define the sensor object:

1Sensor temperature(SENSOR_ID_TEMP);

Activating the sensor:

1void setup(){
2 Serial.begin(115200);
3 BHY2.begin();
4 temperature.begin();

Reading the sensor value:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck= millis();
3 BHY2.update();
5 // Check sensor values every second
6 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
7 lastCheck = millis();
8 Serial.println(String("temperature: ") + String(int(temperature.value())));
9 }


To get readings from the gas sensor in standalone mode, you also need to use the Arduino_BHY2 library as described in the section above.

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define the sensor object:

1Sensor gas(SENSOR_ID_GAS);

Activating the sensor:

1void setup() {
2 Serial.begin(115200);
3 BHY2.begin();
4 gas.begin();

Reading the sensor value:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck= millis();
3 BHY2.update();
5 // Check sensor values every second
6 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
7 lastCheck = millis();
8 Serial.println(String("gas: ") + String(gas.value()));
9 }


To get readings from the pressure sensor in standalone mode, you also need to use the Arduino_BHY2 library as described in the section above.

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values in hPa.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define the sensor object:

1Sensor pressure(SENSOR_ID_BARO);

Activating the sensor:

1void setup() {
2 Serial.begin(115200);
3 BHY2.begin();
4 pressure.begin();

Reading the sensor value:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck= millis();
3 BHY2.update();
5 // Check sensor values every second
6 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
7 lastCheck = millis();
8 Serial.println(String("pressure: ") + pressure.toString());
9 }

Quaternion Rotation

To get readings from the IMU in a quaternion format in standalone mode, you also need to use the Arduino_BHY2 library as described in the section above.

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define the sensor object:

1SensorQuaternion rotation(SENSOR_ID_RV);

Activating the sensor:

1void setup(){
2 Serial.begin(115200);
4 BHY2.begin();
5 rotation.begin();

Reading the sensor value:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck = millis();
3 BHY2.update();
5 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
6 lastCheck = millis();
7 Serial.println(String("rotation: ") + rotation.toString());
8 }


To get activity status in standalone mode, you also need to use the Arduino_BHY2 library as described in the section above.

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define the sensor object:

1SensorActivity activity(SENSOR_ID_AR);

Activating the sensor:

1void setup(){
2 Serial.begin(115200);
4 BHY2.begin();
5 activity.begin();

Reading the sensor value:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck = millis();
3 BHY2.update();
5 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
6 printTime = millis();
7 Serial.println(String("Activity info: ") + activity.toString());
8 }


To get readings from the BME sensor in standalone mode, you also need to use the Arduino_BHY2 library as described in the section above.

Follow these steps to use the library to read the sensor values.

Include the library's header file:

1#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Define the sensor object:


Activating the sensor:

1void setup(){
2 Serial.begin(115200);
4 BHY2.begin();
5 bsec.begin();

Reading the sensor value:

1void loop(){
2 static auto lastCheck = millis();
3 BHY2.update();
5 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
6 printTime = millis();
7 Serial.println(String("BSEC info: ") + bsec.toString());
8 }

Sensor Data Over ESLOV

The ESLOV Connector is located next to the USB port
The ESLOV Connector is located next to the USB port

In order to transmit data over ESLOV to another Arduino board you need to connect the boards with an ESLOV cable. The Nicla Sense ME could for example be connected to an Arduino Portenta H7.

Two Arduino boards connected via ESLOV cable

  1. To have the Nicla Sense ME pass the sensor data through ESLOV, you need to upload the App sketch. You can find it in the Examples menu in the IDE under Arduino_BH2 > App. After you upload the sketch, you can disconnect the Nicla Sense ME from the USB cable. It can be powered through the ESLOV connection.

  2. For the receiving device you need to upload the passthrough sketch. You can find it in the Examples menu in the IDE under Arduino_BHY2Host > Passthrough. After you upload the sketch, a separate serial port will be exposed. One port is used for debugging and the other one is used for passing through the sensor data. The latter one is the one you will use to configure the sensors and read from them.

  3. When you're done uploading the sketches, you can use the bhy script to interact with the sensors. In the downloaded package (see here), navigate into the tools folder. There you will find binaries of the bhy tool for Linux and Windows. If you like, you can build the tool yourself (e.g. if you are on macOS). For that, if you haven't installed Go yet, please do so by following there instructions. From the terminal execute this command to start the build:

    go build

  4. Use the bhy command as follows:

1# list available serial ports
2./bhy list
4# read available sensor data
5./bhy sensor read -p /dev/ttyACM2
7# continuously read sensor data when available
8./bhy sensor read -live -p /dev/ttyACM2
10# configure sensor 10 with a sample rate of 1 Hz and latency of 0ms
11./bhy sensor config -p /dev/ttyACM2 -sensor 10 -rate 1 -latency 0
13# disable sensor 10
14./bhy sensor config -p /dev/ttyACM2 -sensor 10 -rate 0 -latency 0

/dev/ttyACM2 needs to be replaced with the (second) port from the host device retrieved through the list command.

First execute a list command to retrieve the available ports. The output should look similar to this:

1$ ./bhy list
2Found port: /dev/cu.usbmodem142301
3 USB ID 2341:8054
4 USB serial 554466C450534B54332E3120FF03071B554466C450534B54332E3120FF03071B
5Found port: /dev/cu.usbmodem142303
6 USB ID 2341:8054
7 USB serial 554466C450534B54332E3120FF03071B554466C450534B54332E3120FF03071B

Then execute a config command to enable the desired sensor. Please refer to the Sensor IDs section to find the desired sensor ID. The output of this command should look similar to this:

1$ ./bhy sensor config -p /dev/cu.usbmodem142303 -sensor 10 -rate 1 -latency 0
2Connected - port: /dev/cu.usbmodem142303 - baudrate: 115200
3Sending configuration: sensor 10 rate 1.000000 latency 0Sent 10 bytes
4Sensor configuration correctly sent!

Then you can retrieve sensor data from the sensor using the read command. Here is an example output:

1$ ./bhy sensor read -live -p /dev/cu.usbmodem142303
2Connected - port: /dev/cu.usbmodem142303 - baudrate: 115200
3Sensor id: 10 name: GYRO_PASS values: x : -12.000000 y : 12.000000 z : -9.000000
4Sensor id: 10 name: GYRO_PASS values: x : -13.000000 y : 12.000000 z : -10.000000

If there is not ESLOV activity in the first minute after power up, the LDO is disabled and then also ESLOV is disabled. This has been made for low power reasons. However, you could change this timeout by calling

from your sketch.

Sensor Data Over WebBLE

Sensor data from the Nicla Sense ME can also be retrieved through Bluetooth® Low Energy in the web browser. For that you can use the bhy tool. Please follow steps 1 - 3 from the "Sensor Data Over ESLOV" section. Then execute the following command to start the webserver:

./bhy webserver
. When the server has started, you can open the landing page in your browser: http://localhost:8000/. Click on "Open sensor page".

Sensor page in the browser
Sensor page in the browser

Then click the "Connect" button and pair your computer with the Nicla Sense ME board.

For this feature to work, make sure that Web Bluetooth® Low Energy is both supported and enabled! In Google Chrome go to chrome://flags and enable "Experimental Web Platform features".

You can check the browser compatibility with WebBLE here.

Use the sensor IDs from the section "Sensor IDs" to enable and configure the desired sensors. A sample rate > 0 will enable the sensor.

Configured sensors
Configured sensors

BSX Sensor Fusion Software

The BHI260AP sensor runs a customizable firmware based on the BSX Sensor Fusion library. It provides a complete 9-axis fusion solution, which combines the measurements from 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis geomagnetic sensor and a 3-axis accelerometer, to provide a robust absolute orientation vector. The algorithm fuses the sensor raw data from the accelerometer, geomagnetic sensor and gyroscope in an intelligent way to improve each sensor’s output.

Go to this site or take a look at the BHI260AP's datasheet for more information.


Like other Arduino® products, the Nicla Sense ME features dedicated pins for different protocols.


The pins used for SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) on the Nicla Sense ME are the following:

  • CS
  • CIPO
  • COPI
  • SCLK

You can refer to the pinout above to find them on the board.

To use SPI, you first need to include the SPI library.

1#include <SPI.h>


void setup()
you need to initialize the library.


And to write to the device:

1digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, LOW); //pull down the CS pin
3 SPI.transfer(address); // address for device, for example 0x00
4 SPI.transfer(value); // value to write
6 digitalWrite(chipSelectPin, HIGH); // pull up the CS pin


The pins used for I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) on the Nicla Sense ME are the following:

  • SDA: SDA1
  • SCL: SCL1

You can refer to the pinout above to find them on the board.

To use I2C, you can use the Wire library, which you need to include at the top of your sketch.

1#include <Wire.h>


void setup()
you need to initialize the library.


And to write something to a device connected via I2C, you can use the following commands:

1Wire.beginTransmission(1); //begin transmit to device 1
2 Wire.write(byte(0x00)); //send instruction byte
3 Wire.write(val); //send a value
4 Wire.endTransmission(); //stop transmit


The pins used for UART (Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter) are the following:

  • Rx: GPIO2
  • Tx: GPIO1

You can refer to the pinout above to find them on the board.

To send and receive data through UART, you will first need to set the baud rate inside

void setup()


To read incoming data, you can use a while loop() to read each individual character and add it to a string.

2 delay(2);
3 char c =;
4 incoming += c;
5 }

And to write something, you can use the following command:

1Serial1.write("Hello world!");

Bluetooth® Low Energy

Using the BHY2Host Library with Bluetooth® Low Energy

The BHY2 library for the Nicla Sense ME can automatically send sensor values over a Bluetooth® Low Energy connection to a host board that uses the Arduino_BHY2Host library.

Include the BHY2Host library at the top of the sketch of the Host board.

Configure the sensors the same way as you do with the BHY2 library except of the

function that takes a

1#include "Arduino_BHY2Host.h"
3Sensor temperature(SENSOR_ID_TEMP);
4int lastCheck = 0;
6void setup(){
7 Serial.begin(115200);
8 BHY2Host.begin(false, NICLA_VIA_BLE);
9 temperature.begin();
12void loop(){
13 static auto lastCheck= millis();
14 BHY2Host.update();
16 // Check sensor values every second
17 if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
18 lastCheck = millis();
19 Serial.println(String("temperature: ") + String(int(temperature.value())));
20 }

The parameters of

are: data pass through and communication configuration. The first parameter defines if the data should be passed through the Serial connection. This allows to control the Nicla Sense ME from a PC when connected through a host board. You can use the arduino-bhy tool to control the Nicla Sense ME from either the PC command line or from a web page. The second parameter can take one of the following values: NICLA_VIA_BLE, NICLA_AS_SHIELD, NICLA_VIA_ESLOV (default).

Using the Bluetooth® Low Energy Library

To enable Bluetooth® Low Energy on the Nicla Sense ME, you can use the ArduinoBLE library. The example sketches included in the library work also with Nicla Sense ME with some minor modifications:

Include the Nicla System header at the top of your sketch:

1#include "Nicla_System.h"

In the setup() function add:


Here is an example of how to use the Bluetooth® Low Energy library to advertise a byte characteristic that can be used for example to toggle an LED.

Include the library header it at the top of your sketch:

1#include <ArduinoBLE.h>

Set the service and characteristic:

1BLEService ledService("180A"); // BLE LED Service
2BLEByteCharacteristic switchCharacteristic("2A57", BLERead | BLEWrite);

Set advertised name and service:

1BLE.setLocalName("Nicla Sense ME");
2 BLE.setAdvertisedService(ledService);

Start advertising:


Listen for BLE peripherals to connect:

1BLEDevice central = BLE.central();


This cheat sheet is written as a quick reference mainly to look up the features of this product. For a more in-depth walk though experience, please have a look at the other tutorials.

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